Friday, September 5, 2014

Still living it out

"The mind can only reprocess the past, judge the present, and worry about the future." 
- Richard Rohr

Where does your mind dwell? Past, present, future? 
How is Jesus politely (or aggressively) reminding you he is present there? 
How have you, are you and might you experience the presence of God by simply taking a moment to accept God is present in all? What is his presence (in those thoughts) saying to our processing, ourt judgments, and our worry?

I love picking up our ACTION teams at the airport for the debrief retreat. As their bus-driver I get to hear the fresh stories of a summer of experiencing God in and through team, personal struggles, cultural blunders and extraordinary manifestations of love, grace, faith and mercy.

"We love to rug. Oh how we love to rug in Brasil," was a quote from a Brazilian pastor that I heard on a recent bus ride. The statement was always followed many smiles and laughs from the team and those who heard them quote it and reflect on the way a Portuguese accent affects the pronunciation of HUG. And yes, our Brazilian brothers and sisters have much to teach us about the importance of expressing our love for one another, with hugs. 

The James Richardson International Airport in Winnipeg has a HUG RUG... or as our Brazilian pastor would say, "a RUG RUG."  It is strategically positioned at the base of the arrivals escalator. What a fantastic reminder of the presence of God in our lives.

The HUG RUG is a target zone of love that 
- acknowledges 'I have had experiences separate from you,' 
- 'here is a place I desire to express my love for you now,' 
- and 'together, let us walk forward from here to share in the hopes and dreams of the future.' 

I need to go... Jesus is standing on my RUG RUG waiting for me. How about you?

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